A visit to Mbozi meteorite/Kimondo cha Mbozi

Upper view of Mbozi Meteorite

Mbozi Meteorite Locally known as “Kimondo Cha Mbozi” is located at Ndolezi Village, Mbozi district council, Songwe Region. It’s about 12 Kilometers from Mahenje (High way “A104 Road”) Mbeya – Tunduma Road.

It is believed to have fallen many years ago and witnessed by African Blacksmith named Halele, later documented in 1930 by European surveyor named William H. Nott, This rare and unusual sight Ranked as Worlds Eighth Biggest Meteorite, and Estimated to weight 12tones with dimension of 1.22 Meters Height, 1.63Meters Width and 3.3Meters Long

Composed of Iron 90.45%, Nickel 8.69%, Copper 0.66%, Sulphur 0.001%, and Phosphorus 0.11%

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